
Lee & Partners specialises in estate matters and offers a free first interview.

If someone passes away leaving a Will -

It is not easy when a loved one passes away. If you have been appointed executor under a Will, we can assist you with every aspect of administration of an estate, including obtaining a Grant of Probate, if required. We can take the stress out of this difficult process.

If there is no Will -

If a person passes away without leaving a Will, we can assist you to obtain Letters of Administration from the Probate Registry.

Contested estates -

We can also help you make a claim against or defend a deceased estate. We can assist to challenge or defend a Will where the deceased's testamentary capacity may be in doubt, and we can assist you to make or defend a claim under the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act.

Telephone: 08 8296 0244

Facsimile: 08 8377 2894


All correspondence to: PO Box 406, Brighton SA 5048